Introduction to Technology – The technological process

Technology is part of our lives, since the human being began to use tools.

The technological objects are created to satisfy a need. Any object that you can see is a technological object: a smartphone, a computer…. but also a chair, a pencil or a eraser.

To create a technological object we must follow the technological process. In this unit you will learn what is Technology and why is so important the technological process.

Download here the first unit: The Technological Process.

Download the activities of this unit: The Technological Process – Activities


Electric current can be defined as a flow of electrons, but there is much more to learn about electricity. In this activity you’ll find a lot of exercises concerning electricity. Enjoy it!


Types of stress

When we talk about structures, stress is the internal tension that an element experience when it bears a load.

Remember that a load is a force that is applied to a structure, and it can be fixed or variable.

We classify stress by the deformation it produces. The main stresses are 5, and you can see them in the following flashcards:


Remember that each stress is related to a verb:

  • Traction – Stretch
  • Compression – Compress (or crush)
  • Bending – Bend
  • Shearing (or cutting) – Divide (or cut)
  • Torsion – Twist